Where your money goes…

Serrania’s enriching learning environment is sustained by the financial support and volunteer work of our families in collaboration with our school staff and teachers.


Your donation helps to bring enrichment programs such as art, computer lab, music, & physical education to all of our students.

School Support

Your donation helps to supplement field trips, teacher supplies, green team, student council, and teachers fund.

PTO Expenses

Your donation helps fund operational expenses (paper subscription for flyers, ADP for payroll) this amazing website, hospitality events (to say thank you to our amazing teachers), and FOS meetings.

Serrania Annual Pledge Drive

As a Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), our mission is to build our community and raise vital income to fund important academic, art, social, technological, and campus improvement programs and services for Serrania Charter for Enriched Studies. FOS plays an increasingly vital role at Serrania by filling the gap created by budget cuts and district limitations and raising money to support programs that are essential to a well-rounded education.

Our proposed budget for the 2024-2025 school year is $190,214

This year, Friends of Serrania will fund:

    • Salaries for art, computer, coding, music, P.E., STEM, and additional enrichment classes.

    • field trips, toner for teachers, green team for school beautification, student council, and teacher supplies

    • payroll fees, website fees, accountant and non-profit tax/registry fee, insurance, paper subscription, and event supplies.

Our biggest source of income is Shine on Serrania, our annual pledge drive where we ask families for a one-time annual donation. We have donation courtesies at various donation levels, and donations can be made as a single donation or spread over monthly installments.

Serrania’s Annual Pledge Drive begins in August and runs through September

Shine on Serrania Donation Levels

See below for more ways to support FOS

Fundraising Events

At Friends of Serrania, we take great pride in organizing engaging and impactful fundraising events that support our mission.

Back-to-School BBQ

Delicious food and fun activities!

Halloween Festival

Embrace the spooky spirit and enjoy a fang-tastic time!

Family Dance

Dance the night away and create lasting memories!

Movie Nights

School movie nights with concessions - join the fun!


Featuring a diverse array of items including summer camps, gift certificates to spas, and yoga studios, where bidding becomes an adventure!

Restaurant Nights

Local eateries generously contribute a portion of their proceeds to support our school!

Purchase Power

Serrania received $2,220 last year from Food4Less & Ralph purchases. Sign up at Ralphs.com, and look for organization number RR228.

Purchase your favorite chocolate from See’s all year round! Visit our storefront here.

Cut out the portion that says “we support schools” and drop off at office.

Sign up at BoxTops4Education.com and select “Serrania Elementary School. Forward receipts to Receipts@BoxTops4Education.com when shopping at Vons, Costco, Instacart, Target, Walmart, and more (within 14 days of purchase)


Thank you to our 2024-2025 generous donors!

Alexa Green | Alexis Dixon | Amanda Klein | Andrea Holk | Angelo Anguiano | Aracely Lopez | Arda Kermezian | Cherila Bondoc | Christine Reyes | Daniel Khurgin | David Boger | Denise Mandel | Flor Perez | Geoffrey Kater | Grace Kountzhouse | Harrison Rosenthal | Jazmine Williams | Jeniqua Watkins | Jennifer Magnes | Jessica Martinez Madrigal | Joe Barnett | Josiah Johnson | Karina Aragon | Karina Mangano | Kate Arney-Cimino | Kelli Brodie | Kristine Nakanishi | Lisa Fry | Margeaux Gamboa-Wong | Maryna Chysiuk | Michael Lonsway | Michele Kallunki-Soszynski | Michelle Mandel | Michelle Thomas | Nicole Schlegel | Ola Wachowicz | Orawan Kambanglen | Pierre-Louis Moroni | Rachel Ferrara | Ray Aragon | Sheryl Petersen | Shoni Taylor | Sibyl Sperber | Suzy Chu | Taeko Nakasone-Panghongkeow | Vinicio Villagran | Will Wright